Sun Wukong

Gods? HA! Demons? PFFT! Angels? Pushovers the Lot of them! Of all the time I have walked this world, nothing has ever been so tenacious as a mortal. We fight until we die, just to survive. And even then we still Fight. No one else does that.

The Great Sage Equal to Heaven Sun Wukong (a.k.a. Sun)

Sun Wukong was once a mortal man who journeyed across the planes, seeking immortality and a place he could his home. He eventually made his own place to call home, In the form of Flower Fruit Mountain, a Plane on the Border of Heaven where he could live in Peace after he achieved true enlightenment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sun was born in an age long ago, when the Gods were the only real authority in the world. He disliked being made to follow them and set out on a journey to find a place where their influence did not exist. He journeyed for months, then years, then decades, accruing more and more a reputation of a rambunctious and destructive force. On his journey he had companions, A man afflicted with a demonic curse that warped his appearance to look like a hideous pig, a Man who was cursed by the Angels for the sacrilege of one of their temples to be tormented by Seven Mystical swords each day, A Dragon who was cursed into the form of a horse by the gods fo hubris and finally a man who sought enlightnment alongside Sun. Their names, or more accuratley the nicknames Sun gave them, were Pigsy, Sandy, Horse and Tang Seng.   Originally Sun was loathe to be traveling with this group as he felt they only slowed him down. However over the course of several years the group became true friends, with Sun acting as the chief protector fromt heir various curses. Eventually they managed to find a way to cure the Curses upon Pigsy, Sandy and Horse in the form of a magical elixir. However only one could recieve the Elixir, and it was forbidden for it to pass to multiple persons. Sun chose to defy this order and had his friends share the Elixir, freeing them from their curses, but in response for this defience of Order, The Celestial Archons inflicted new punishments upon the group. Sun Wukong was trapped beneath a mountain as large as Mount Celestia, doomed to struggle until the seal at the top was removed. Pigsy was made to do battle with a Monstrosity, while Sandy had to hold back the might of a river. Horse was trapped in human form and given a blade with which to aid pigsy while Tang Seng was forced to remain motionless or suffer the ravages of time upon his body.   Sun watched as his friends struggled agianst their trials. Pigsy and Horse fell before their foe while Sun could do nothing more than struggle against his prison. Sandy fell next, unable to stand alone against the flood before him, he was swept away calling for Sun in his last moments. Unable to do naught else, Tang Seng climbed the mountain that imprisoned his friend, all while Sun begged him to stop, and removed the Seal that bound it to Sun as his body crumbled to dust. As he watched the last of his friends pass, Sun felt something inside him change. He was filled with inner strength, Immortality at last, now that he wanted nothing more than to pass on with his friends, one last curse from the gods. Sun looked to the heavens and slowly climbed to his feet, lifting the mountain with him. He threw his prison at the domain of the Archons who had cursed his friends and hopped upon the flying mass of rock as he went to do battle with them.   It was centuries later when Sun emerged once more, Sporting Golden Fur a monkey's tail and glowing red eyes. He had laid waste to the monsters who had taken his friends from him, and now he wanted nothing more than to die, but barring that he wanted peace. He wove the light of the Heavens and the darkness of the Abyss together to create a realm all his own, a place of peace and paradise, bordering on Mount Celestia as a mockery to those who had wounded him so.   And so he has remained there since.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great Sage Equal to Heaven
The Monkey King
Current Residence
Flower Fruit Mountain
Glowing Red
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned, Golden Fur
185 lbs.


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