The Bleakstone Mountains

The Bleakstone Mountains lie between the Eastern Border of the Alliance and the Western Edge of Moledar. These massive peaks stretch the highest in all the mortal planes, the tallest peaks even Dragons can hardly reach.   These mountains are home to the Wild remnants of the Purge War, Old powers lie sleeping in long forgotten tombs and vaults, covered by time. Many adventurers seek to make their fortune within these mountains by discovering one of these ancient treasures, and it has been the fate of more than a few to disappear without a trace within them. The mountains are also home to many tribal species, Ogres, Goblins and Kobolds to name a few. These Creatures spell doom for the unprepared and are at best a minor obstacle, But to those who march through the mountain passes unprepared and underequipped it is almost certain death.   Within the central Region of the Mountains lies the Maelstrom, a neverending storm that has been in place since before the Purge War. So far none have reached the Eye of the Storm and none have discovered its source.   In the southern edge of the mountains, along the coast, one may find the only Permanent Settlement in the Entire range, The Taemple Monastery. This monastery is home to the greatest group of Mercenaries across the Planes, The Taemple Mercenearies. They answer only to their leader, a shadowy figure who has been in control of them since the end of the Purge War when the Monastery was discovered.


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