The Drunken Dragon

The Drunken Dragon is The Material Plane's greatest tavern. Family owned since 1274 the Tavern has grown to be a massive complex featuring entertainment, food and rooms for patrons.   The Main room is a grand open space, with an arena built into the center of the room and three floors surrounding it. The first floor is for regular patrons and those who have come to see the fights that take place each night. The second floor is available for competitors in the arena, both for the night in question and those who have competed but not won. The third floor is restricted to those who have won a night of combat in the arena, and close friends.   The lodgings are well furnished with even the basic rooms more well furnished than some family homes. The tavern features over 200 basic rooms and nearly every night at least half of them are filled. The winners of nights of competition are given access to the suites that the tavern keep in prime condition. These "Rooms" are like small homes, with two bedrooms, a private washroom and their own cooking fire. Winners are free to stay and use these as long as they like but if multiple members of a group are using mutliple suites they may be asked to share if rooms become short supply.   To be an employee of the Drunken Dragon is a demanding position, with the amount of business they perform each day and night it is a full time job and each employee must meet the owner's demanding specifications for quality. But each staff member is paid handsomly and given their own private room within the tavern. Additionally each member of the staff is guranteed their safety and well being while employed.
Employees: Owner: Celune Daren (Gold Dragonborn, Female)
  Apprentice Owner: Zela Daren (Gold Dragonborn, Female)
  Bouncer: Guodo Daren, Husband of Celune (Goliath, Male)
  Announcer: Thamid Goldriver (Mountain Dwarf, Male)
  Bartender: Helga Goldriver (Mountain Dwarf, Female)
  Head Server: Morrigan Elderwood (Wood Elf, Female)
  Servers: Venda Scollip (Halfling,Female), Trenne Gallis (Tiefling, Female), Halle Teclis (Silver Dragonborn, Female), Virna Weshen (Gnome, Female)
  Head Chef: Guy Ramsay (Halfling, Male)
  Chef: Vimme Lesgen Hangen (Human, Male), Dubo Hamfist (Human, Male), Cane Wheatfoot (Halfling, Female)
  Head House Staffer: Wes (Changeling)
  House Staff: Galashta Terriva (Tiefling, Female), Thomas Redstream (Human, Male), Trugah Gorecleaver (Half-Orc, Female) Roger Duststone (Aasimar, Male)
  The Band: Zane Glorybuff, Singer/Guitarist (Aasimar, Male), Aredhel Tathviel, Flutist (Wood Elf, Female), Holfo Oldbuck, Drummer (Halfling, Male), Xaphina Kriceli Voci Spiqys, Gnome Harpist (Gnome, Male


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