The Engine Miseraie

From the Notes of Vecna the Lord of Secrets:   The Engine Miseraie may be one of the greatest feats of Magical Engineering in the history of the World. A massive fortress sized Stone block with every inch of its surface, both interior and exterior, covered in Runes. This object was the Lifes work of Archmage Elathon, a High Elf Mage from the Old World. It was his hope to create the ultimate deterrent Magic, a creation that could prevent war and the destruction it brings.   The Engine itself is simple in both its intent and use. One must simply place their hands upon the interface, the only smooth plate upon the exterior of the machine. Whencontact is achieved the Engine will read the thoughts of the one who activated it. The queries that it asks will need to be answered before the activator may remove themselves from the Engine. It's Queries are as follows:   1. What is the target region? 2. What are the Conditions for the end of this Activation? 3. What events will occur and with what frequency?   Once these Questions have been sufficiently answered the engine will activate and at this point it cannot be stopped until its conditions have been fulfilled. The various events that the engine can cause are various disasters or plagues, Forest Fires, Earthquakes, Floods, Storms among other means of misery and destruction. The goal of the Engine was to prevent Wars before they could begin by removing leaders who would wage war or to force an end to them as early as possible by forcing the kingdoms to a peace due to lack of healthy manpower or resources.   Admittedly Archmage Elathon's ambition was a bit counterproductive and the device could be used as a weapon. However I cannot and will not destroy it. I will not destroy it as it could be highly useful in the future when this damned war is over. And I cannot destroy it as there is so much magical essence concentrated within that its destruction could wipe entire planes from existence.   As such I am moving it to its own Artificial Demiplane, a plane of my own creation that will be disconnected from the others, reachable only through a portal at a specific location. I will be placing this portal directly beneath Mount Uncrag in the Bleakstone Mountains. Activation and use of this portal should take several months at a minimum, though it shall be possible.


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