The Frozen Queen

Gliding through the waters an ethereal form approaches, ice and snow cling to her hull and a chill permeates the air, The Frozen Queen comes.

The Frozen Queen is a pure white vessel that trails behind her a neverending blizzard. She is as cold as her hull would lead you to believe, as she mercilessly carves through Imperial Fleets and raids the Orcish Coast of Grosh-Ka. She and her crew are merciless in there raids, killing without hesitation if any resist them. Her crew wield weapons coated in frost and, unusually, wield magics alongside firearms and cannons.   The Frozen Queen is among the largest of the Pirate Vessels of the Sunfire, with 135 Cannons and over 1,000 crew she is a floating Palace for her captain and crew. Her bow is split open, giving her a ghostly and haunted appearance but this opening is by design of the Queen herself, as it allows her to hide and protect the various rowboats and diving bells her crew use to board or disembark. The Queen directly participates in battles, wielding frost magics and snapping enemy vessels with small icebergs.   The Queen earned her fame when she saved the Iron King and Red Royal from certain destruction by the Imperial Navy in the early days of their existence. The Queen, fearing the destruction of her fellow ship spirits, froze solid a section of the seas nearly thirty miles wide, leaving the Imperial ships to be snapped and sink below the waves while leaving a path for the King and the Royal to escape.   While the Queen is cold and merciless to her enemies, she is known to dote heavily on her crew. If you are a member of the crew, you will be cared for whether you wish it or not. The Queen will save her crewmen who fall overboard in battle and will do her best to ensure all return to her decks as unharmed as possible. Those who have felled her crewmen will recieve no mercy and any who dare harm a captain of hers will never set foot upon shore again.
Ship Class: First Rate Imperial Ship of the Line
Captain: Agreven Tescus
Crew Size: 1,050 Fully Crewed


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