The Grand Crypt

The Grand Crypt of Gravehollow is a massive underground complex that extends beneath the entirety of the kingdom. It is constantly expanded by Undead thralls raised by Lady Selena Darke, made from the corpses of criminals or enemies. The exact size of the crypt remains unknown but parts of it have been confirmed to be connected to the Underdark, with somewhat infrequent attacks by denizens of the underground domain.   Every Citizen of Gravehollow is given a choice upon coming of Age. They may allow their body to be interred within the Grand crypt and subject to reanimation after death or they may be cremated upon death. If interrment is chosen then said individual will live a carefree life without having to work, only to train their body so that it is of use. Those who choose cremation must work to earn a living as everywhere else in the world.   Each and Every Citizen of Gravehollow since its inception at the start of the Purge War to the present whos body was intact has been interred within, with each being given a bow, a single quiver of arrows and a spear and shield. The crypt has been lined with enchantments to preserve the bodies within and if the kingdom proper was ever attacked, each and every one of these corpses may be turned into an undead ready for battle. These thralls cannot move beyond the borders of the kingdom, as marked with the runestones that contain the necromantic energies of the kingdom. Only three people may activate the Crypt, those being Lord and Lady Darke and the current Archmage of Gravehollow's Academy.   Emperor Autrion has gone on official record saying "That to attack Gravehollow is to practice Futility. Not only do their defenders outnumber our own, they have an Archlich and a Deathknight who survived battling gods. To take Gravehollow one would need the combined arms of the entire material plane."   Specialist undead exist within the Crypt. Soldiers who train during their lives may be given special or enchanted weapons. Graduates of the Gravehollow Academy are given special crypts that allow them to maintain their intelligence when reanimated and Archmages are interred within a special hall that if activated will empower them as proto liches. These proto liches cannot reanimate upon death but are as powerful as they can be.


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