The Iron King

The Iron King is a Dwarven Ironclad and a beast of a vessel among the Sunfire Archipelago. He is a massive vessel, easily capable of ramming through Imperial Galleons, and he and his crew use this size to their advantage. On board is a dragons hoard worth of armaments and ammunition, nearly all of it explosive in some fashion. The Iron Kings preffered method of battle is to either ram an enemy Vessel or to blast them apart and retrieve anything they left behind from the murky depths.   The Iron King is one of the three most Ancient of the Ship Spirits of the Sunfire Archipelago, alongside both The Red Royal and The Frozen Queen. He is a no nonsense spirit and can often be found maintaining the stockpile of weapons found in his hold or reinforcing his outer frame. Occassionaly he will join in celebrations with his crew, almost always it takes his Captain prodding him to do so. He does not enjoy the Red Royal's Company as he views her childish antics as annoying at best, though he does respect both her speed and skill as a vessel.
Ship Class: Iron Clad
Captain: Hara Irongut
Crew Size: 600 fully crewed


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