The Ironhold Rift

General Summary

The Journey into the Ironhold Rift.

Rewards Granted

Players reached level 16. Player met The Trio of Goddesses Sarenrae, Desna and Shelyn and allowed them enter the grounds of Dragon's Claim Keep. Klexia was given the Feats Telepathic and Telekinetic. Messaria von Zarovich successfully merged with her other half and is once again in her fulll divine form.

Missions/Quests Completed

Restored Messaria to her full power.

Character(s) interacted with

Met Sarenrae, Desna and Shelyn. Met Urgathoa. Klexia was reached out to and interacted with Elliot in his imprionment. Shinryu was taken by Fraeya Andronas during the battle. Acren Eld was corrupted by Mazerath.

Related Reports

Tibs sent to Flower Fruit Mountain to await questioning. (Bad Idea)


Quillima became the Patron of 6 individuals within the Rift. Zefer Became the Patron of 6 Individuals within the Rift. Klexia became the Patron of 12 individuals within the Rift.
Report Date
26 Aug 2023


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