The Roost, City

The Mighty City of the Roost is the new home of the Dwarven Race, the final resting place of the Dragon God Bahamut and a bastion defending the north of the Alliance. The city is divided up into districts that are generally divided along the different racial lines of the people who inhabit them. The City itself is carved into the Tallest mountain in the range, so tall that its peak is almost always obscured above the clouds. The Design of the city is a likeness of the late Platinum Dragon who made its founding possible.   The Maw is the most commonly seen district by travelers, as it houses the majority of the inns and taverns in the city and is home to a market filled with supplies for the adventurous types. The Maw is the open mouth of the Dragon carving and it lined with entrances that are guarded day and night, outside of the stone defenses are miles and miles of farmland that sustains the city.   The Dragon District of the inner city connects to the rest of them and it takes up the largest amount of space. This is the site of the Grand Market where less common goods are exchanged. This district also houses the tower of Arcanist Eletrias Elsorn, and the Temple District of the City, with the exception of the Temple of Sarissa who's temple resides in the highest part of the city. This district is home to a mix of the non native races to the Roost, such as Humans, Halflings, a large population of Dragonborn and others.   The Undercity is the home of the Kobolds and their network of tunnels that stretch into the rest of the city. These small tunnels allow kobolds to get anywhere in the city with minimal hassle, and they make great use of them as they act as messengers throughout the city. It also allows the Kobolds to be the first line of defense if the city is attacked as every Kobold hatched in the Roost is trained in the use of Firearms at a young age. They may not be expert marksman but they have numbers and that is all they need. The Undercity also houses the Great Dwarven Forges where mighty Runeblades are forged and impressive masterwork armors are crafted with great care. In the past Dwarves and Kobolds fought viciously but now work side by side.   The Mines are the very bottom layer of the city and extend far, far below the surface. Only the uppermost part of the mines are inhabited, the rest are simply mines with miles upon miles of mine cart tracks and support beams. The mines extend beneath the entire mountain range and the sounds of pickaxes and other mining equipment can be heard around the clock. The majority of the dwarf population lives within the mines, maintaining some of their culture while adopting the worship of the dragons.   The Cloud Horn District is the top of the City and it exists above the clouds. Massive spires of rock carved into nests for Aarocockra and Wyverns. These two spots are where the city got its name as they were roosts. Within this district are popular sightseeing attractions among the nobility and the Temple of Sarissa.


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