The Roost, Mines

The mines are the home of the Mountain Dwarves and the new site of their grand forges. The smiths here practice dwarven rune magic, a specialized and unique form of enchanting. The dwarves here follow no god, though they have taken to honoring Bahamut and Moradin alongside the Children of Bahamut. The criminal gangs of the Undercity have no hold here, long ago they learned that dwarven women and children are no easy marks. The Dwarves here live in relative comfort, as they enjoy their surroundings of stone and the clanging of metal.   But the true masterpiece of this district are the Dwarven mines, a network of tunnels from which it is rumored you could reach any part of the alliance, but the maps of the Mines are scattered at best. When people hear of the mines they believe them to simply be carved out paths of roughshod walls but nothing is further from the truth. When the dwarves finish mining an area they began carving out the walls, forming perfectly smooth tunnels in their wake, they are works of art made from what could simply have been left rough stone.   Fengrim and Drugga are the two recognized Master Smiths of the Roost. They are rival smiths but this relationship is not antagonistic as they are old friends and will occasionally collaborate on projects.


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