The Shadow Tyrant

The wealth of the world pales in comparison to having her kneel before me. To grovel for mercy... to beg for death only for it to be denied. Yes. that is the pain I shall inflict on her.

The Shadow Tyrant

The Tyrant was once among the most powerful gods on Almura, but following the damage he suffered during Yin Lian's Ascension he was relieved of much of it. Now he seeks to force the Pirate Goddess to kneel before him and take her power for himself.

Divine Domains

The Tyrant commands the Divine Domains of Darkness, Tyranny, Wealth, Water Lightning and Nightmares.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Shadow Tyrant lost much of his power when Yin Lian Ascended to divinity. The two were engaged in a duel as they had numerous times before and when Yin ascended her power burned bright and hot, searing off the outer layer of the Tyrant's body and revealing the festering shadow beneath. His body scarred and his power drained, the Tyrant retreated. He was still licking his wounds when Zon-Kuthon arrived in Almura and claimed dominion over the Shadowfell and much of the Shadowlands.

The Tyrant managed to keep his hold over the Port of Melvast, though his following saw many defectors to follow the Lord of Pain and The Pallid Princess. He has managed to claw back some of his former power and domain from the other gods of the Shadowlands but he remains diminished. He has become nearly obsessed with the idea that if he can force Yin Lian to submit to him that he will regain his former power, though this idea is debated by many. The Goddess Ilaxis is believed to have sparked this idea, potentially for her own amusement.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Shadow Tyrant
The Dark Dragon
Lord of the Seas
The Waking Nightmare
Purple White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Shifting Darkness


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