The Weavers

The Weavers are a young people native to the Bleakstone Mountains to the west of the Alliance. They mix spider physiology and humanoid intelligence and form and form small communities of a few dozen.   Weavers biology is of great interest to scholars who can study them. They appear to have been wholly arachanids before being exposed to some unknown magic, most studies point to the Fey, and gaining both intelligence and their humanoid halves. The humanoid upper body of a weaver has many distinct features that prevent them from even attempting to disguise themselves as human. First off are their heads and faces. Weavers have eight eyes, one primary set that sit in the normal position for humanoids and another pair that sit slightly elevated along the forehead. The normal eyes function as humans do and the secondary eyes act as photorecpetors in dark enviroments, allowing for levels of darkvision comparable to a Drow or other underdark native. The two other pairs of eyes are farther back along the skull alowwing a weaver to have nearly 270 degrees of vision. These pairs sit just behind the temples before the ears. Which brings us to their ears, the Weavers have elf like ears, elongated and ending in points, which some scholars believe hints at their Fey origins. Next are the Humanoid Torsos. Weavers have Primary, Secondary and Tertiary arms for a total of six. The primary arms are positioned similarly to most Humanoids, at the shoulder. The Secondary arms are attached at the Shoulder Blades and are much more muscled than the primary arms, this set also features an extra joint allowing for higher range of mobility. The Tertiary Arms are attached to the torso at what would be the mid point of the Ribcage, if the Weavers had a traditional skeleton. These arms are smaller and thinner with very pointed and elongated fingers. They also feature an extra joint like the Secondary arms. Now onto the Skeleton or lack thereof. Weavers internal biology is much different from a humanoids. Without the need to protect as many vital organs within the humanoid body they evolved instead for flexibility. A weaver's humanoid upper body is capable of reaching nearly every point of there body, either directly or with their arms, and the torso can turn up to 270 degrees independent of the spider like lower body. The brain is still located within the skull. The lower body of a Weaver is almost entirely spiderlike. The Humanoid upper body connects to the Thorax or the midpoint of a Spiders body. This center of the body acts as the connector for the spider abdomen, Humanoid upper body and the legs. It also houses the Weaver reproductive system which is comparable to other Humanoids. The Legs of a weaver are divided into two categories. They have four hard chitinous legs that end in sharpened tips used for self defense and can be used to hold objects and four legs that are softer and primarily used for climbing and mobility. They are adept at making use of their legs for carrying objects or as extended arms. Finally we come to the hind abdomen, which houses the Web production organs. Weavers can generate spiderlike silk which they use to construct homes that hang from cliff faces or create traps for hunting or defense. It is incredibly adhesive and can bind a fully grown human man for hours of struggling if need be. This silk cannot be launched as many people seem to believe and must be manually placed, usually with their combat legs or teritiary arms.   The Average Male Weaver's resting height is 9 feet and when fully extending their legs they can reach up to 15 feet in height, though this is akin to humans standing on their toes and is incredibly difficult to maintain. The Average adult male weighs roughly 300 pounds, though since their eight legs divide their weight they can walk on very fragile surfaces. Males are smaller and have less muscle compared to females, Their secondary and tertiary arms are much more adept at small scale tasks and those that require precision. Most Males prefer to use bows or other weapons that allow them to fight from range and will flee if engaged in melee combat. Males are often those left to care for young and keep watch for threats, alerting the females if a threat is identified.   The Average Adult Female Weaver's resting heigh is 13 feet and when fully extended they can reach nearly 20 feet. The Average Adult female can weigh close to 400 pounds. The Female Weaver is much more designed for combat, their humanoid upper body is much more heavily muscled than their male counterparts and their secondary and tertiary arms are covered in tough chitin that can deflect or repel attacks. Roles that females will typically fill are Guards or Heavy Laborers. Their natural durability and muscle make them excellent at both of these. A typical Female Weaver can uproot and carry a fully grown tree on her own.   Weaver Culture is still developing but they are a very friendly and welcoming people, only seeking violence if first attacked or otherwise provoked. Their communities are only several dozen members strong but they are tight knit. Each Weaver is taught to weave clothing by treating their silk with a natural chemical generated in their secondary arms they can remove the silk's adhesive properties and form it into clothing. By combining this basic clothing with dyes, weaver villages are quite colorful and vibrant locations. The Weavers cover their Humanoid halves with robes or armors and will decorate their spider like bodies with paints or dyes in patterns based on family or village traditions.     Those who have ventured into civilized regions are often met with fear but they have learned that being welcoming and friendly assuages most fears or concerns. Many have began traveling as merchants or artists, robes made using their silks have become quite popular among mages for their defensive capabilities.


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