The White Blight

The White Blight is a supernatural Plague previously thought to be caused by mere sickness but now known to be Demonic in Origin.   The Blight causes the bones of infected creatures to grow out upon their skin and across their insides, turning them into statues of bone over a period of variable time, ranging from one week to one month with seemingly no predictability. Once a creature is fully encased in bone their body begins to crumble into a fine white dust that forms a cloud around the statue that spreads the blight to any that breathe it in, though the range of infection seems to be further than the cloud appears.   Though Magic seems unable to cure the Affliction it does appear to be the case that Divine Protection does seem to prevent initial Infection. Paladins who demonstrate Immunity to Diseases may breathe in the dust of the Blight with no ill effects aside from those expected of inhaling vast quantities of Dust.   The Blight does seem most prominent within the Alliance Kingdoms and within the Continent of Moledar. The Kothan Imperium, either through stricter measures or a lack of places for demons to hide, seems to have avoided the worst of the Plague. Most Notably many nobles and community leaders seem to have been targeted by the Demons, perhaps as a means of weakening our leadership?


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