Trajan Imskar

Trajen was a Soldier in the Imperial Military until his defection alongside Cian Lampier. He was a loyal member of the Cobalt Soul until he suddenly vanished, killing a Master who had attempted to subdue him after he stole from a monastery. Trajen was marked a traitor and the now Hunter Cian Lampier was sent to find his trail. When next they met he proved himself the master by nearly killing Cian with only a few blows. He left the rest of the Chaotic 7 unmarred but they had recovered some idea of his plans. With these scraps the clues pointed them north towards the Roost and the Cobalt Dragon Brenzan.   Trajan had been a monk of the Cobalt Soul but during his disappearance he has gained new abilities, knowledge that should have taken years to acquire. Yet in only a few months he has learned the ways of other Monk Traditions, a feat that only a handful of Grandmasters have accomplished in all of recorded history. Through Interrogation of Tulzan, the Demonicly corrupted Elf that Mazerath had enlisted, the 7 learned that Trajen had been working for Mazerath, though he seemed to have his own goals separate from the Demonic Lord.


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