Trem Higilos

Oh yes everybody stare at the halfling with a Crab Arm! Not like there is a Giant Red Dragon to go stare at! I'll pinch your nether regions if you keep staring!

Trem Higilos (a.k.a. Pinchy)

A halfling thief who once attempted to pick Argen's Pocket, Trem has since seen the light by way of Argen's ceaseless preaching and now follows Argen or Gattaxus around in the hopes of being given permission to steal something.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Following her revival by Gattaxus, Trem's left arm has now been replaced with a Crab like Claw. This chitinous arm is less than ideal in day to day life but she has adapted to it rather quickly and has made wonderful use of it in her combat training, as she has had a shield fashioned to fit over it, allowing her to use it both defensively and offensivley.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Trem has had an eventful life to say the Least. She was born to a family of merchants who were killed by bandits when she was only a child, she then spent years begging on the streets until she attempted to pick the pocket of Argen Alestos and subsequently joined the Sect of Sanity.   Following her induction into the Cult she became Argen's go to member for information or when sticky fingers were needed. She was never much of a fighter, preffering to sneak about and run if she was discovered. This took a turn for the worse when she and Argen were captured in the Roost, as she watched Argen get dragged away she wished for power to fight, but could do nothing. Next when the cult was without their master, she tried to assist Argen but could do little in the wilds with her skills. Following the Cult's encounter with Malcanthet, Trem has been activley training to become able to defend herself and the members of the Cult. While not as dangerous as Argen she is a force to be reckoned with.   She has continued her training and now stands as a defender of the Sect of Sanity, filling in for Wrax as their muscle. She has been honing her skills under the guidance of Ari Ashdew within the Angel's Rest and acting as a scout for him on occasion. While she still pickpockets infrequently, she has grown ever more concerned for her Half Orc Friend.
Class: Rogue Swashbuckler: Level 3, Warlock Great Old One Patron: Level 1
Chaotic Neutral
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Argen while they were both under an illusion
Long Graided Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
25 lbs.
Gattaxus Void


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