Valika Ashdew

Mom I'm fine. I fought a demon, I killed it. I'm fine. What do you mean this isn't proper for a young lady? I'm a damn Dragon! Just because I like my human body more doesn't mean I have to act like I'm one of them. - Valika to Kenina

Champion of Dragonholme, Valika Eden Ashdew (a.k.a. Valkyrie)

The Daughter of Kenina Ashdew and Tavilos Andronas, Valika is a reckless, brash and highly aggressive Platinum Dragon. She enjoys fighting and can more often than not be found searching for someone to clash with.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Azure Flames that she can summon are particularly effective at harming and banishing outsiders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valika Andronas was born to Kenina and Tavilos in Dragonholme and within a month of her hatching she had challenged her Aunt, Tali Ashdew, to a fight. Predictably she lost but this was a sign of things to come as she was training with her Aunts and neglecting her Mother's lessons on matters that were not combat by the age of Ten. She was a gifted warrior, capable of clashing with men and women far her senior and besting them. At fifteen she enlisted in the Guard, to her mother's frustration, and was made into a captain by the time she turned twenty.   It was when she was twenty two that she had an encounter with a Demon, inadevertently summoned at the Moonhaven and escaped into the city. The Demon pushed her to her limits, slaughtering its way through her squad and leaving her standing at Death's Door, with one final push she plunged her Blade into its heart and the chaotic energies of its bloody essence coated her own ruined body. The Demon's Blood sparked something in her, wreathing her body in Azure Flames and altering her body's appearance. For a moment her silver hair was Icy Blue, her skin was ashen gray and her eyes were shining gold. She collapsed moments afterwards and was hauled off to recieve medical attention, her appearance returned to normal.   When she awoke and had recovered she was told of the strange transformation she had undergone. It was days later before she could attempt to understand what had happened to her, when her mother visited her while she was still recovering and the two began arguing. The arguement became particularly heated and Valika's body shifted into that same form, the Azure flames on curling into a fascimilie of horns on her head. It was this moment and testing over the course of several days, that revealed that the change was not permanent in any sense and was triggered by strong emotional outbursts. Once she had recovered Valika began to experiment with this form and attempted to control it.   This new form was something of a mix between her own Celestial Dragon Blood and the power of the Demon, dependent upon emotion to emerge and requiring more to sustain itself. She spent years learning to hone it and keep it in check, for if she could not maintain the heightened emotional state for long the form would begin causing other emotions to boil over by harming others. Two decades of training it took for her to truly claim control over the form and when she did she went and challenged Tavilos Andronas to a fight. The Regal Wyrm accepted and the two of them clashed in a truly spectacular duel, one that saw Valika emerge the victor, though barely a breath seperated the time that they rendered each other unconscious. Valika was named The Champion of Dragonholme for this feat and now acts as a rogue defender of the nation as well as a meditator between the Dragons who live outside of the City.
Divine Classification
Demigod Dragon
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Champion of Dragonholme
The Valkyrie of Dragonholme
The Demons Bane
Year of Birth
2385 EP 389 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
225 lbs.


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