Vishka of the Fifth Host

Father, you have Wandered for so long.... I pray the time will come for you to return home.

Commander of the Fifth Heavenly Host, Battlemaiden of The Heavens, Vishka (a.k.a. Mournful Songbird)

Commander of the Fifth Heavenly Host, Vishka is the Commander who loyally serves under Archangel Caravos, the Banished Archangel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vishka emerged from the Light of Heaven in full armor and brandishing her spear nearly a thousand years after the rest of the Fifth Host. The previous Host Commander had been permanently slain and Caravos' Host required aid. Vishka flew from Celestia alone to her Archangel in the Abyss, an ability no other Non Archangel had shown, and defended him from a mortal wound. She rallied his forces and organized a withdrawal to regroup.   Following their return to Celestia she formally introduced herself and began fulfilling her role as his Host Commander. Caravos felt guilty for needing her to charge into battle mere moments after her creation and he did all in his power to make her duties and life easier. This led to an unusual attachment between the two, not of a Romantic Nature but of one more reminiscent of a Father and Daughter. When Archangel Lariel pointed this out the two embraced the Idea, referring to each other as such. The two were an amazing Duo on the battlefields and at times Caravos would bend to her authority if she gave orders, something almost unheard of for an Archangel.   When Caravos was Banished by Baravos Vishka was absent as she was recovering from wounds in Celestia. When the news reached her she attempted to challenge Baravos to single combat to earn Caravos' freedom to return to Celestia. She was stopped by the rest of the Fifth Host and fell into depression for a very long time. When she finally roused herself she organized the Fifth Host for Caravos' eventual return. She is utterly convinced he will do so and any attempt to tell her otherwise is met with Icy silence. She is among the Angels who support Nariel's bid for change.
Lawful Evil
Long White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
205 lbs.


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