Ziel Viendal, The Blackwall (Ze-El Vin-DE-All)

Lady Ziel Gracelyn Viendal (a.k.a. The BlackWall)

Ziel Viendal was the Young heiress of Castle Blackwall in the Island Continent of Moromel. At a young age she took up the sword after her elder brother was killed. She became a renowned knight at only 15 and earned the title of Wyrmslayer at 25 for felling the Black Great Wyrm, Calluvos as he had attempted to destroy her home. It was during this battle that she was pulled through a rift and exposed to the Divine Spring, becoming a goddess in the middle of the battle. She was showered with praise and knighted, as she had wanted, though she felt out of place in the castle and vanished in the night to travel across the land looking for a place she felt at home. Eventually she crossed paths with a halfling and an elf that she would eventually call her family.   She and her companions traveled together, with Azerian and Plev helping her to understand her divinity and treating her with the normalcy she so craved. As they traveled together they grew closer with she and Azerian sharing a few nights beneath the stars, though this was short lived as they soon met the pair of Messaria and Caspian, the former of whom Ziel was immediatley head over heels for. Despite Azerian and Caspian's teasing she did manage to get close to Messaria, despite her rather blunt attempts at flirting. Together the group became a force of great renown across the world, renown was heaped upon them and they eventually found themselves at the gates of Castle Blackwall, Ziel's home. With Messaria at her side she returned home to a heroes welcome and a great celebration was had. The Castle became the base of Operations for The Dark Pillars and they became a true force to be recknoned with acorss the planes themselves with Ziel leading a successful raid on the City of Dis in order to rescue her father who had been captured by the devils there in.   As their time together crept into the decade mark Ziel eventually proposed to Messaria, who accepted without any hesitation. Just before their wedding they were called to defend Caspian as he was charged with becoming an Arcanist to protect the realm. Despite her best efforts she failed to protect the ritual and before she and the others could be annihilated by the rampant magic she and the others were teleported away by Caspian, with Ziel ending up in the middle of the Elemental Plane of Fire. The rage of the Blackwall shook the plane to its core, as she believed her friends had perished as her magic could not contact them. She returned home and found the castle under siege by devils, she dispatched them and led a counter assault on the City of Dis from which they had come. As she marched through the devil city her armor took on a tarnished and blackened appearance and as she slew the Archdevil Dis and took his place upon the throne, she commanded that she would be known by a new name, Bane Tyranus, God of Tyrants.

For if she could have no joy in her life, then no one else would as well.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Mental Trauma

1. Witnessed her Brothers Death, which became her motivation to become a Knight in his place

2. Believed her friends and allies had perished in the magical explosion following the failed Arcanist ritual and resolved to ruin the world for taking them from her
Species: Human
Age: 89 at the time she cast off her name and became Bane
Occupation: Heiress of Castle Blackwall, Knight of the Dark Pillars
Romantic Partners: Azerian, Messaria (Fiance)
Aliases: The Blackwall of Blackwall (Azerian and Caspian), The Dark Knight, The Monster of Monsters (Plev), My Dark Queen (Messaria)
Divine Classification
Green orbs after divinity
Long Blond Locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"


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