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High Monastery

The holiest site in all of Alnareth, a vast temple to the goddesses.

An immaculate temple city erected in the name of the goddesses of honor and truth, Iomedae and Sarenrae, the palatial stone brick commune houses the highest density of peoples of the good faiths in the region.


The High Monastery is home and welcome to all different species so long as they follow law. With that the population of the monastery is diverse, composed of previous members of all ethnicities and almost all humanoid races. The only labels that are brought up about one within the monastery are professions and training classes, as everyone is treated the same, however ones training will often determine their interactions with others.


Being a place of worship, the only recognized leader of The High Monastery is the Grand Priest, the founder of the monastery.


The monastery lacks most systems of defense beyond the towering walls that perfectly encompass its perimeter. Some say this is because they are hidden from the mortal eye, others believe it to be The Grand Priest's ancient power protecting its followers from those brave enough to even approach with malicious intent.

Industry & Trade

The High Monastery is for the most part self sufficient, harvesting some crops they are able to grow and mining some ores and minerals from the mountain, operating a small number of mines in the side of the mountains nearby. This draws in a great deal of trade from Alexandria due geographical limitations.


The city itself seems ancient, as if built centuries ago by the finest stone smiths ever to live, healthy vines and grass growing over and in the small cracks that do show between the bricks composing the walls and paving its pathways. There are plenty of rooms to house the many priests and trainees who have come to live and train at the monastery.


The monastery has plenty of amenities alongside training, such as a meditating building, a hot spa to relax and cleanse the body, and a vast library to read and strengthen the mind. It is said that the library of The High Monastery is unrivaled in its catalog of writings, and its believed that with enough time most questions could be answered.

Guilds and Factions

The different factions and groups of The High Monastery are divided up based on professions and trainings. The monks form one group who train and worship together, while clerics and paladins tend to form their own separate guilds. More infrequent are smaller congregations of occasional sorcerers, wizards, and druids who find themselves at the monastery more for faith that training.


The history of the High Monestary is well recorded within the the many written journals of the Grand Priest that are kept within the Monastery's grand library. The available records hold no details of wars or struggles or even invasions, however mentions of expansion, newcomers, visitors, and even trade relationships with others are plentiful. Whether the history is truly as peacful as is written or if this history has been redacted, only the Grand Priest knows.


It is unknown who designed or constructed The High Monastery millennia ago, as the only being old enough to remember its creation is The Grand Priest, who typically does not disclose the fine details of the monastery's creation and development.


The High Monastery rests upon the side of one of the largest mountains in Westmarch on the edge of The Rift Mountains, at the end of a strangely unhindered road up the side of the mountain.
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