
(Legacy Content)
Hiroshulate is a powdery substance found in extremely small deposits deep beneath mountain ranges and is the third of the three partner materials in its paring, alongside Bareshulate and Riarshulate. Despite being a partner material, Hiroshulate has many applications as an enormously powerful bonding agent, which not only allows for the formation of Titanoshulate alongside its partner materials - and a bit of Iron - but also allows extremely high-strength construction components to be fabricated when the substance is applied and given a source of heat.


Material Characteristics

Hiroshulate is a powdery white-green substance found in tiny deposits only under mountain ranges. Its practical applications are many, though its most applicable use is in the creation of Titanoshulate.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Hiroshulate is a powdery substance that immediately crumbles upon any significant impact. However, when a source of sufficient heat is applied to the powder, it liquifies and binds to whatever is nearby. This property allows for the production of Titanoshulate by combining the hardness and physical durability of Bareshulate with the destructive potential of Riarshulate.


The most well known compounds that require Hiroshulate are Titanoshulate alloys, though other forms of occupations can also find use for a universal adhesive.

Geology & Geography

Hiroshulate is only found beneath large mountain ranges, though is never found in conjunction with its counterparts Bareshulate and Riarshulate.

Origin & Source

Hiroshulate deposits are the only method of finding usable material.

History & Usage


The usefulness of Hiroshulate became apparent after attempts to implement it into blacksmithing resulted in an agent that could bind tools together far better than any traditional methods in the Dark Age. However, its usefulness in regards to Titanoshulate only became apparent during the mid Alorean First Era, whereby an unbound mixture of the three materials came into contact with an iron rod, fusing to it, and transforming it into Titanoshulate. From there, it was then experimented with and eventually created some of the most ludicrously durable items in existence.


Hiroshulate was originally uncovered by the efforts of Aloreans during the Dark Age, the information of which coming with them to the surface during the Reclamation.

Everyday use

Hiroshulate is the linchpin of the production of Titanoshulate, as it is the rarest of the the three partner materials in its paring. Therefore, it is often only used in such production, although there have been recorded cases of the substance being used as a binding agent in other cases.

Industrial Use

Hiroshulate is found in its most useful state. Upon discovery and collection of deposits of the material, production of Titanoshulate begins immediately with the on-hand stores of Bareshulate, Riarshulate, and base Iron.


Hiroshulate has no refinement process, as it is found in its most useful form. Impurites are screened through sifters before any attempts to use Hiroshulate occur.

Manufacturing & Products

The most effecient use of Hiroshulate is in the production of Titanoshulate, though other uses for the binding properties of Hrioshulate have been noted.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

As there is no true refinement process, Hiroshulate produces no byproducts.


Hiroshulate posses no risk, as it is generally stable in its natural form. However, if heated, the material becomes extremely dangerous as it binds to nearly anything it touches. This hazardous effect has caused a recorded twelve amputations and one workplace death to date.

Environmental Impact

Hiroshulate posses no threat to the environment in its natural state.

Reusability & Recycling

Hiroshulate has no reusability, as its binding properties activate only once.


Trade & Market

Hiroshulate is immensly valuble to any nation, organization, or individual capable of producing reasonable quantities of Titanoshulate. As such, should a mining firm come upon Hiroshulate, and have no means of producing the even more valuable Titanoshulate, supplies of Hiroshulate are often sold at extortionately high prices.


Hiroshulate is most easily stored in sealed barrels, far away from any significant heat source.
20 Sanctums per pound in normal uses, 140 Sanctums when in demand for Titanoshulate.
Very Rare
Hiroshulate is odorless.
Hiroshulate has no taste.
Hiroshulate is a white-green in coloration.
Melting / Freezing Point
200 F (93 C) / N/a
Common State


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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