
(Legacy Content)
Juggernite is a rare, heavy, and strange material found in ore veins across the world, though its existence remained a mystery for much of the Silver Age due to its unique properties, commonly mistaken for "shiny Shatterstone." Once properly discovered, the applications for Juggernite and its properties became obvious, though unreachable due to lack of methods for creating useable items of the material until near the end of the Silver Age.


Material Characteristics

Juggernite is a shiny, metallic grey ore found deep underground, which is about as heavy as lead, though due to its propensity for the breaking of tools attempting to mine it, it was incorrectly deemed a form of "shiny Shatterstone."

Physical & Chemical Properties

Juggernite is a very strange material as it seems capable of the direct reflection of kinetic energy that hits it, sending it back in the opposite direction. This property made Juggernite almost impossible to both effectively extract from the ground - as large swaths of earth had to be removed in order to do so, similarly to Shatterstone - and forge into anything useful, since the material would be unaffected and reflect the kinetic energy of the tool used back onto it, usually resulting in the tool shattering on contact - thus the affiliation with Shatterstone.


Juggernite has no known compounds, and is generally used in its refined form.

Geology & Geography

Juggernite can be found anywhere in the world.

Origin & Source

Juggernite was originally discovered during the Dark Age, though its true properties, and therefore uses, were only discovered near the end of the Silver Age.

History & Usage


Juggernite's history only truly begins near the end of the Silver Age where advanced methods, both technological and magical in nature, were formed specifically for the forging of Juggernite. Since then, it has seen use manly in the creation of arms and armor, though its limited quantities make creation of such items even more difficult.


Juggernite was initially discovered by Aloreans during the Dark Age, though its true properties were only discovered as recently as the end of the Silver Age when methods of forging the material were first introduced.

Everyday use

Juggernite is seemingly only used in the creation of personal arms and armor, though its rarity makes such items seem more like artifacts than common weapons.

Industrial Use

Juggernite has no industrial uses, save the creation of unique pieces of equipment.


Using either magical or technological means, Juggernite ore is first cracked free from the stone sheel that undoubtably encloses the material. Then it is heated to its melting point, poured into ingot casts, and allowed to air-cool, after which is taken to storage.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Juggernite has no byproducts, save the slag from the refinement process.


Juggernite is well known for its force reflecting properties, so care must be taken to prevent any dangerous amounts of force from being directed at any amount of the material, beit ingots or ore.

Environmental Impact

Juggernite has no discernable environmental impact.

Reusability & Recycling

Due to its relativistically high durablility, Juggernite items can serve many users across timeperiods.


Trade & Market

Juggernite is known to be highly valued by smiths that are able to work it, and thusly can fetch quite a high price from such a buyer. However, outside such uses, it has little value.


Juggernite is a stable metal, and can be stored in the same manner as other stable metals. However, care must be taken in observation of its unique properties.
2,500 Sanctums per pound
Somewhat Rare
Juggernite has no odor.
Juggernite has no taste.
Juggernite is a shiny stone grey in coloration, leading to the misnomer of "shiny Shatterstone."
Melting / Freezing Point
6000 F (3315 C) / N/a
Common State


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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