Immovable Rod of Dragon Slaying

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This flat iron rod has a button on one end. You can use an action to press the button, which causes the rod to become magically fixed in place. Until you or another creature uses an action to push the button again, the rod doesn't move, even if it is defying gravity. The rod can hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the rod to deactivate and fall. A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the fixed rod up to 10 feet on a success


The immovable rod has been through many combats wielded by a rogue named Zairo. Its biggest feat was in A4 648 when the rod was inserted into the adult blue dragon Condrenth The Stone Guard. The rod was stuck in its inside and when the dragon was grasping for its life trying to run to survive the immovable rod dealt the final blow as it penetrated the dragon when it tried to escape.
Item type
Current Holder
2.5 kilo
3 feet long and 1 inch thick
Base Price
500 gold
Raw materials & Components
A decorated platinum rod.


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