Jestrin Steelhead

Jestrin Steelhead

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jestrin Steelhead is a massive man, even for minotaur standards. He has wide shoulders and is extremely muscular.

Facial Features

Jestrin has a long and scarred bowine face. He also has two massive bull horns reaching almost 40 centimeters.

Identifying Characteristics

Jestrin is easily recognized by the massive bulky steel plate bolted to his forehead.

Special abilities

Jestrin has an unique ability to grow as tall as a giant when he wants, it is unknown what magic allows him to do so.

Apparel & Accessories

Jestrin wears metal shoulder plates, a fur cowl, a black leather battle skirt and his hooves are covered in black metal plates.

Specialized Equipment

Jestrin fights with his massive greataxe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jestrin works with The Dead Rabbits and serves as one of three leaders of the group, though he rarely makes any decisions himself and is mostly used as a brute by Wendall Grimsbane.
Current Status
Guarding Shitty Creek Run in Harthcall
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown fur
260 centimeters
280 kilo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Minotaur


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