Kith'rak Qarste

Kith'rak Qarste

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Qarste was a well trained woman close to peak physical strength. She was athletically built and was taller than others of her race.

Special abilities

Qarste was a very powerful psionic who could manipulate objects and people with her mind. She could also planeshift with her abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Qarste wore a set of plate armor decorated with jewels and made from a silver alloy.

Specialized Equipment

Qarste was specialized with heavy armor and wore it constantly. She also wielded a githyanki silver greatsword and her mentor's shard dagger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Qarste was a general in the githyanki army. She was a very accomplished warrior and respected leader within the army. She was mentored by the great Kith'rak Kiva'r who taught her how to fight and lead, they became close friends. They fought together in the astral sea and other planes against the mind flayer threat, but Kiva'r was killed in action and upon his death gave his shard dagger to Qarste as a final gift. Qarste would continue her journey but always remember her mentor and best friend.   Qarste lead a group of squires into the underdark in A4 652 as they had noticed a disturbance on the prime material plane. Her squires were supposed to join her so they could each take a mind flayer head back to Vlaakith to prove their worth, but the mission quickly escalated as they were ambushed by a retriever who had been awoken by the mind flayers. All the squires fell to the construct and Qarste would as well if she was not saved by Yaxora and Illidan who heard the commotion. Qarste would go on to join her saviours as they shared the same goal as her. They travled to Cheldulnar where the source of the threat stemmed from and found a newly formed mind flayer hived. She snuck into the city with her new found allies and rescued an ally of theirs and witnessed the bell of deliverance being rung before their final push against the elder brain. The battle was tough and they quickly found themsellves almost overwhelmed. The group had just gotten the upper hand when Qarste found herself paralyzed by the mind flayers, her attempts at escaping failed and she would find a gruesome death to the mind flayers as her brain was extracted and eaten. Her mission however, would be a success as the allies she found would end the hive for good.
Lawful evil
Date of Death
A4 652 3rd of Zen'Horir
615 652 37 years old
Circumstances of Death
Qarste had her brain eaten by a mind flayer during a battle against a mind flayer hive
Place of Death
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale yellow
177 centimeters
68 kilo
Believes in Gith's teachings
Known Languages
Common, Gith


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