Lia En'I'anar

Lia En'I'anar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lia is above average height and is quite elegent and pretty. She is somewhat curvy and quite muscular.

Facial Features

Lia's face is long and thin with a sharp chin.

Special abilities

Lia can channel energy in the form of sunbeams.

Apparel & Accessories

Lia wears a sleevless robe that goes down to her thigs, the robe is covered in symbols of the sun. She also has a rope belt around her waist, and wears a magical pearl necklace.

Specialized Equipment

Lia does not wear armor nor does she wield weapons. She fights with her bare hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lia En'I'anar was born in Mirydan to a noble family. She was the second born in her family and her brother was in line of inheriting the family business so Lia decided to do other things with her life. She spent much of her time exploring and wandering the Montlet Coast, she also spent a few decades in the Mythical Grove learning about elvish culture and the visions they experience. When she returned home she joined the Luminous monastery which was an order of monks that worships the sun. She trained with them for a long time and with decades of training and meditation she managed to channel her own energy so it could be used to defend herself and others. In A4 302 she met Liam Wellswort who wanted to put together a group of adventurers to make a group. She joined them and over the next years she grew fond of them all, but very fond of Liam. The two become close and in A4 306 Liam proposed to Lia. However, the wedding would be halted for a long time, as in A4 307 they went to fight a blue dragon named Condrenth The Stone Guard. The party was overwhelmed by the dragon and were suprised by his basilisks. The party ended up being petrified and would be so until A4 648 when another group of adventurers finally killed the dragon. Everyone woke up again except for their warforged cleric 89 who was destroyed during his petrification. Lia and her friends went back to the Montlet Coast and she discovered her family had been killed during the third montlet coast rebellion alongside her order. This, however, did not stop her adventuring or love life as she and her friends continuted to adventure and she would wed Liam in A4 650.




Lia had a short private education in etiquettes and later had a long education at the Luminous monastery.


Lia is a self employed adventurer.


Family Ties

Lia has no remaning family members after they were all killed during the third montlet coast rebellion.

Religious Views

Lia was trained to believe in the sun itself, but later found more faith in Pelor the god often potrayed as the sun.
Chaotic Good
Light yellow
Long blonde, tied in a tall ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
174 centimeters
63 kilo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, and Elvish


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