Zeke The Zealot

Zeke (a.k.a. The Zealot)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zeke is very tall and big even for his kind. He is very muscular and well trained.

Facial Features

His face is very square and he has a big jawline.

Special abilities

Zeke has been gifted with divine powers from his god and is very powerful.

Apparel & Accessories

Zeke wears a good set of plate armor with a symbol of a collar shackle with a ruby inside it. His helmet has a few dents but still works.

Specialized Equipment

Zeke is specialized in both heavy and medium armor, and when it comes to weapons he always uses a warhammer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zeke had been a part of the Iron Brand for most of his life. During that time he found faith in the Allireen goddess Alnakhas, the god of slavery. Zeke also became important in the Iron Brand and under Aries Moonfall became the second leader and his right-hand man.




Former Slaver for the Iron Brand.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was captured by a group of adventurers and taken to Autumn Rock to work for the rest of his life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zeke wasn't very intelligent but what he lacked there he made up for in divine wisdom.


Religious Views

Zeke is a devote follower of the Allireen goddess Alnakhas.
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
604 49 Years old
Goblin Clans
Current Residence
Autumn Rock
Light red
Dark brown in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
209 centimeters
158 kilo
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I call upon you who chain the unworthy to channel your power through me and chain these fools"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Daharian and Goblin


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