Zephyrus Silver

Light Inquisitor Zephyrus Silver (a.k.a. The Diviner)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zephyrus was born much weaker, thinner and shorter than other tieflings, this is most likely caused by his albinism,

Body Features

Unlike many other tieflings, Zephyrus does not have a tail.

Facial Features

His face is sharp and thin and you can almost see the bones. He has fangs and pink eyes which means he can give off a very frightful presence. He also has black horns.

Special abilities

Is an extremely powerful spellcaster and cleric.

Apparel & Accessories

Zephyrus wears red, white and gold robes of his orders with one decorated shoulder plate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zephyrus Silver was born in Fangorn and never knew his parents as he was found as a baby by an orphanage with no information of his parents. It is unknown if his parents were tieflings, or that he was a surprise and disappointment like many other of his kin. He was raised at the St.Kameron orphanage which is one of the largest and the oldest orphanage in Fangorn, being named after the founder of the Keepers of Light Kameron Lancaster. It was a very religious orphanage where the teachings of Aumanator were used as the main education of the orphanage. Because of this religious upbringing, Zephyrus found family within the religion and would continue to study and learn from the teachings of Aumanator into his adulthood where he became a scribe for the Keepers of Light and with many years of knowledge, and magical training, he would become a paladin who would work and serve in the field, even with his small and weak stature. Zephyrus was stationed in Evlora for most of his life with some journeys across the continent. He was often underestimated by his peers because of his lack of physical strength and complete reliance upon his magic, but this would only serve him well as his foes would also underestimate him. He became a powerful cleric of Aumanator and by his fifties, he would have learnt the 6th circle of magic.   Zephyrus was seen as a perfect follower of Aumanator and paladin within the order, at least in his morals, teaching and profound dedication to both the cause and their god. This would, however, be viewed differently in A4 626 when he had fathered a child with a woman called Verena Drewes. He had kept the child a secret for the first three years, supporting the mother financially and keeping away from her, but through some investigation by the Trugarian Trading Company which was suspicious about his spendings, the truth was revealed. Zephyrus was taken back to Fangorn where he was held for trial over his broken oath of celibacy as a paladin. He admitted to his broken oath and that he had been enchanted by lust and that he regretted it. Since Zephyrus was a liked and respected paladin, a captain at this point, he was exonerated from his broken oath and his title and name was restored. He would continue to support the family, but not continue contact with them. Verena died when their daughter Spawn was 16, at which point she had learnt everything about him and confronted him. He stood strong on his words, the same words he had told the order when she was found out by the order, something which made her flee from him and never want to see his face again. Shortly after, Zephyrus was promoted to Inquisitor of Evlora, the greatest achievement of his life.




Paladin Education and Light inquisitor education and trials.


He works as a Light Inquisitor for the Keepers of Light.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent in most fields, but specialized in religion, culture and arcana.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, Kind, Quick to act and good hearted.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Is a devoted follower of Aumaunator.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
580 73 Years old
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Albino White
162 centimeters
54 kilo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Celestial, Common and Infernal


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