Hydro Physical / Metaphysical Law in Alpha Edrox | World Anvil
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Erementor Related to this Element

The fith Element in the Erementor hierarchy. It represents all water present in rivers, oceans, and even rain, one of the main sources of life for all living beings. It is very related to Ventus and Glacies element due to the water cycle: Liquid, solid and gaseous.

Bioversals Related to this Element

All Bioversals related to the Hydro Element are more comfortable around the water, most of them live near rivers and oceans, and they are extremely rare to find in any other place with no water around. It is possible to consider most species related to this element as a mystery because their behavior is not completely explored in their natural environment, mostly because they can live in environments completely unaccessible for most Subhams wich powers don't help them survive underwater. It seems that all Hydro Bioversals can survive outside the water, some of them can be more clumsy on land, but they don't seem to show any issue beyond that.
Related Erementor
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