In the realm of Alquara, created by the deity Kraxin, the dream of a harmonious world for diverse races shattered over the millennia. The Great Ice Dragon Bazrag's destructive disdain for other deities' creations led to the Frozen Wastes, while wars between Tieflings, Elves, and Humans marked a turbulent history. A golden age emerged with Aelerzodye, a city symbolizing unity, until the Mad King Sovaniss Varin's grief-driven madness brought about its downfall. Now, five years after Aelerzodye's fall, chaos reigns as orcs rule with fear, and kingdoms struggle against growing threats. The once-neutral Elves retreat, and old prejudices resurface. In the face of this turmoil, emerging heroes seek to mend fate's frayed threads and restore hope to a world descending into darkness. What role will you play in stemming the tide of evil?