Vainbodre Geographic Location in ALT-0320-GAIA | World Anvil
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Vainbodre (vain-border) is a frozen landmass formed after the Second Ice Age hit Earth (ALT-0320-GAIA variant) in 22nd century. The remaining areas protected by the Sol Vitae are where the last bastions of humanity reside.


Vainbodre is a collection of pre-glacial period continents, along with their accompanying oceans and seas, frozen together to form a colossal landmass stretching over 75% of Earth's surface. Within it lies fallen civilizations once prospered, frozen in time. By this point, the Arctic and Antarctica become even colder than before. The areas are so cold that space and time are believed to be distorted, affecting hemispherical perception of reality. Mt. Everest, too the tallest mountain in this world, is said to possess supernatural sentience after the Ice Age struck, and is rumored to be responsible, if not, partially contributed to the ill-fated cataclysm. The rest of the Earth not affected by the glaciers is because of the weather-controlling devices known as Sol Vitae, or the Suns of Life. They emit energies similar to the Sun that warm surrounding up to 5,000 kilometers. Former developed countries which possess such technology are exempt from being decimated by the cataclysm.

Fauna & Flora

Most plants and animals went extinct during this period, so there is a little life left in Vainbodre. However, rumors told about the existence of demonic beings roaming the landscapes by seasoned travelers, often depicted as hostile and aggressive. Some frozen animals, even humans (the Things) are believed to be resurrected by unknown means and wander around the glaciers, presumably seeking for "warmth". They are relatively peaceful unless provoked. Their primary mean of offense - so called "Frozen Touch" can crystallize a person when touched by them.

Natural Resources

These are among the most abundant natural resources (developing):
  • Cryotic: Found anywhere in subterranean Vainbodre, good for food preservation.
  • Glacial Steel: Packed ice reinforced with pre-glacial steel, good for holding glacial walls.
  • Concrice: Packed ice restructured with concrete, good for building.
  • ...   These are among the rarest natural resources (developing):
  • Everest Ore: Found exclusively in Mt. Everest, legend told of its magical aura.
  • ...
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Great Glaciers, New Thule, Gelida Ora, Frozen Throne, Glacia, Zone Hypothermia.

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