Adonna Jez (,ɑ 'dɔn nɑ dʒɛz)

Adonna Jez is a young woman currently living in the Ahummian city of Duriya. She is employed as a dancer at Corotha’s Horns, a major gambling den in the heart of the city. As it would turn out, being a worker at an establishment where the rich and powerful gather to drink and spend their money means being privy to private information that could determine the future of Tel Rialis. Adonna, along with the other workers of Corotha’s Horns, doubles as an information dealer, gathering intel to be bought and sold.

Early Life

The second eldest of 5 children, Adonna was born to a family of cattle ranchers living in the rural expanses of midwestern Ahumm. As a child, those around her typically described her as a quiet and hardworking child, who was diligent if not a bit aloof. At the age of 17 she married Azmel Jez, an 18 year old man from a neighboring farm. The two lived with Azmel’s family for 7 years, and in that time Adonna had a single child, a son whom she named Urici. However, when the Jez family experienced a bad crop failure, it became difficult for the family to support themselves. Adonna and Azmel thus set out from the farm in hopes of finding work in Duriya,, leaving their young son behind to be cared for by the rest of the family.

Adjusting to Duriya

Adonna, along with her husband, moved into a small shack in the slums of Duriya, and set out to find work. Though initially struggling to find areas where her skills as a farmhand would be relevant, she would come to work at a variety of small parlors as a dancing girl. Though not having much prior experience with dancing, she learned quickly and proved to be quite popular among the men who frequented these gambling dens, who found her distant attitude charming. Eventually a recruiter for Corotha’s Horns scouted her, and sensing her potential, offered her work with far greater accommodations then those she had been receiving at the time.

Corotha’s Horns

In her first months as a dancer and dealer of Corotha’s Horns, Adonna quickly learned that working at Corotha’s Horns meant doing more than simply dancing and distributing chips for gambling. As one of the most popular gambling dens in the city, the parlors are frequented by some of the most powerful people in all of Tel Rialis, looking to spend their money in wagers against each other. These people, often drunk with wine, may let important information regarding trade deals, military movements, or other strategic details slip. The workers of Corotha’s Horns receive additional payments for sharing the information they hear of to their superiors. This information is then sold to merchants, nobility, or even rulers who seek out relevant intel. Adonna is taking a huge risk in participating in the information trade, as discovery of her actions could have her and her family killed. As such, she keeps the details of her work a secret, even from her husband. While she hopes to be reunited with her young son Urici, she fears that bringing him to the city will make him a target for her enemies, should she be exposed for sharing sensitive information.
Current Status
Dancer/Information Dealer at Corotha's Horns
Current Location
Current Residence


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