Battle of Bright Light in Dark Nights

Battle in the first war of Doro and Paestorlais.


Battle events:

  the battle started with the assassination of the Paestoralis lieutenant, who was left in charge due to the captain having to return home. Once the lieutenant was dead forces of Doro dressed in black leather began deciding down the mountain in full armor, Paestoralis was left in complete surprise, however, attempts to calm the panic, ended when Paestoralis began firing off fireworks into the air. These are largely considered the first time fireworks were ever seen in Tel-Rialis by a large group, and the already confused Paestoralis soldiers fled from the explosions from the sky.  


Doro would end it's 130-day-long siege and use the momentum gained from the victory to start a full scale war with Paestorlais; the fireworks would be incorporated into a permanent feature in Doro. This event is the reason many consider what made fireworks so popular in Doro.


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