Bayt Alma

Bayt Alma



The kingdom of Bayt Alma is located near the center of the peninsula, bordered by the Guardiana Mountains to the Northwest, the Didir river to the East, and the Pascula river to the West. Most of this kingdom’s population resides in Tronadora, a very old city that was built partially into the mountain Siratronos at a high enough altitude to avoid flooding. The second largest city of Nahoris is a Kuliyan religious hub built at the mouth of the [Didir?] river near the border between Bayt Alma and Vencerrado.


Most of the region consists of relatively flat, dry plains, with a large, low lying valley surrounding the mountains in the North. This valley is prone to flooding when snowmelt from the mountains gathers at the lowest part of this valley. The dryness of the plains and the frequent flooding of the lower valley makes the land throughout this region difficult to cultivate, so most agriculture in the region consists of nomadic herding. The few farms that are in this regions need to be strategically placed to take advantage of the flooding and provide enough to support community needs.

Geographic Features

Siratronos - The largest mountain in Bayt Alma is Siratronos. Tronadora was first constructed just above the base of this mountain, protected by cliffs on all sides. As the city began to run out of room to expand, people began to build and settle in the large, natural caverns extending into Siratronos. These caves were formed by the groundwater that collected there and, as such, most of space in these caverns is taken up by large, underground lakes. Siratronos’ twisting natural caverns extend for miles deep into the mountain, though only two caverns have been discovered that are large enough to inhabit. The largest of these caverns, [X], is only partially enclosed, with the entire South-facing side being open to the air and the external city.



Kaddite Rule and the Founding of Bayt Alma

Bayt Alma’s position at the center of Tel Rialis has led to the region’s involvement in many conflicts and power struggles. For most of its history, it was a region under Kaddite control, remaining sparsely populated by farmers and nomadic groups for many years. As the Kaddites seized control of the entire peninsula, people began to settle en masse around the base of the Guardiana mountains in the Northeast of the region to mine the rich mineral deposits. This population boom lead to the construction and rapid growth of the city of Tronadora which would become the seat of power of the [Kaddite ruler]. The region primarily worshipped Amiar, the Eagle god of love and hate, which often lead to tension with Malagra over which region held the council seat for the denomination. This seat was held briefly by Bayt Alma until a series of skirmishes and trade embargoes forced them to concede their seat to Malagra to avoid war and economic turmoil. Tronadora rose to prosperity as conflict began to arise in the North of Tel Rialis between the Kaddites and Kuliyans. In the face of war, the demand for iron and steel grew, and the city’s mining industry grew even larger. This opportunity is what lead to several wealthy lords who employed workers in the mines allying to form the Kanarios League. By the time the conflict had peaked, the Kanarios League employed almost all of those who worked in the mines. This would prove dangerous to the mine workers as pay and working conditions gradually worsened over time, with no other option than to put up with it since the Kanarios League eventually had complete control over Tronadora’s mines.

Decline of Kaddite Rule in Bayt Alma

Continued tension between Bayt Alma and Malagra eventually erupted into war. As the conflict streched on and began to tip in Malagra’s favor, the [Kaddite ruler]’s control over Tronadora and the rest of the region began to slip. The Kanarios League took this opportunity to force the [Kaddite ruler] into their pocket in order to receive more support in the war. The corruption of the nobility and government, as well as the monopoly of the mines caused the lower class, working class and merchants in Tronadora to suffer. Anger quickly began to stir throughout the city, prompting the [Kaddite ruler] to hastily withdraw from the war against Malagra to focus efforts on quelling the unrest. This withdrawel caused Bayt Alma to lose what little territory and resources it had gained which only further upset the populace.

Kuliyan Coup

Following the destruction of the capital of Vencerrado to the North and a failed marriage arrangement, the princess [X] fled South to Bayt Alma where she and those from the court who followed her settled in Tronadora. They found allies among wealthy merchant families who saw her arrival as an opportunity to overthrow the [Kaddite rulers] and topple the oppressive Kanarios League. The plot began by attempting to appeal to the working class mining population, promising improved working conditions and pay if they supported the transition of power. Within weeks, mercenaries were hired and a coup befell the [Kaddite rulers]. The miners were rallied against the Kanarios League, leading to the deaths of several high ranking individuals in the guild. The supporters of princess [X] quickly took control of the city and after several months of negotiations with influential individuals in the region, the first Kuliyan Queen was crowned and Bayt Alma was declared to be a Kuliyan kingdom. Many Kaddites would leave Tronadora following this shift in power, though the majority of Bayt Alma’s population would remain Kaddite. Many Kuliyan’s emigrated to the region in seach of work in the mines now that the working conditions had nominally improved. Many poor Kaddites also converted to Al Kuliya during this time. Those Kaddites who remained accepted the new Kuliyan rulers as a positive change compared to the corrupt rulers of the past. No attempts have been made to force the population to convert, so residents live in relative acceptance of each other.


Government/Politics/Administrative Divisions


The kingdom is currently ruled by Queen [X], the very same princess from Vencerrado who represented the coup against the previous Kaddite government. Despite her status as a Kuliyan monarch, the Queen is often seen as a bridge between the Kuliyan and Kaddite residents of Bayt Alma. Those who follow Al Kuliya see her as a religious crusader, expanding the influence of their god further South. Those following Kada respect her for her longstanding tolerance of Kaddites continuing to practice their religion in the kingdom. Her unconventionality as a ruler has also earned her a suprising amount of favor. The Queen never married, citing her dedication to her new kingdom. With no children to succeed her, she has named her niece, [X], as her heir.

The Kanarios League

When Bayt Alma was under Kaddite control, the Kanarios League dominated the region’s economy and had many government officials in its pockets. Following Bayt Alma’s establishment as a Kuliyan kingdom under the rule of the [current royal family]s, the Kanarios League was put on a tighter leash to prevent similar corruption and unchecked monopolizing of industry in Tronadora. Tensions remain high between the nobility and the Kanarios League and are only further escalated by the Kanarios League’s connections in Pastoralis.


While the typical tension between Kuliyans and Kaddites is present in the population of Bayt Alma, Tronadora is, in an administrative sense, very tolerant of religious freedom. This is in large part due to the distribution of power in the city. Although Kuliyans now outnumber Kaddites, a majority of Kuliyans in the city descend from refugees from Vencerrado and other poor families who came to the city in search of wealth in the mines. Unfortunately, despite the marginally better conditions of the mines after the Kanarios League was forced to make adjustments, the life of a miner in the city is still very difficult. As opposed to this, the Kaddites who elected to remain in Bayt Alma after the establishment of a Kuliyan Monarchy often did so because they held wealth and power in the city that they did not wish to do away with. Because of the power still held by many Kaddites, the Monarchy has remained cautious of another coup. The kingdom eventually found balance by granting administrative positions to the old and powerful Kaddite families that remain in the city, and it is because of these families that Kaddite worship is still permitted both in and out of the home. Though the large Kaddite temples were converted to Kuliyan temples, several smaller Kaddite temples still remain throughout the city.





Mining and Metalworks

While those living in rural areas of Bayt Alma mainly practice subsistence farming and nomadic animal husbandry, most of the kingdom’s economy is supported by the thriving mining industry around the capital city. The Kanarios League is no longer as powerful as it was before the shift to Kuliyan rulers, but still employs a very large part of Tronadora’s population. The mineral resources extracted from mining have attracted many skilled blacksmiths and artisan metalworkers to the city. Metals, weapons, armor, jewelry, and other metal goods make up a bulk of the items that Bayt Alma trades with its neighbors.




Most of the crops and animal products produced in Bayt Alma remain within the kingdom and are sold to Tronadora, Nahoris, and the many towns dispersed throughout the region. It is difficult to grow crops because the land near the rivers with fertile soil frequently floods from snowmelt, and the rest of the region is extremely dry. Despite these difficulties, local farmers have learned to make do and work around flooding season with frequent crop rotations and a heavy reliance on animal husbandry. The bulk of Bayt Alma’s agricultural sector is supported by nomadic animal herding products and the production of animal products such as dairy, meat, hide, and wool. The most common animals raised in the region are sheep, hogs, and cattle, though goats and yaks are not uncommon for those residing at higher elevations. Because of the similar elevations of Bayt Alma and Pastoralis that allow for easy travel and homogenous environments, nomadic pastoralists have a long history of moving between the two regions with their herds. While tensions have begun to rise between the two neighbors, farmers take care to (NOT DONE)




The capital city of Tronadora extends from the mountain Siratronos, built just above the base but at a high enough elevation to avoid any flooding and remain well protected from any attacks. When the city ran out of room, it began to expand into the enormous caverns that miners had already built shacks and camps in. In the cavernous parts of Tronadora, structures are built where the caverns are not flooded, along the walls surrounding these lakes, and often on docks extending over the calm water. The lack of strong currents makes traveling around these structures and between different caverns very easy. The shallower caverns, which still receive considerable direct sunlight, are home to the lower middle class and working class populations of the city, including craftspeople and the city’s large miner population. The deeper, darker caverns are typically reserved for those living in extreme poverty, and are hotbeds of criminal activity.


While the bulk of Bayt Alma’s population resides in Tronadora, the small city of Nahoris has seen rapid growth in the past several decades. Due to its proximity to Vencerrado’s border, very few Kaddites remain here and most of the residents are Kuliyan migrants and refugees. The city’s economy revolves around trade as it is an important stop for anyone looking to send their goods down the [Didir?] river to sell in the South. Most of the metal resources and goods from Tronadora pass through Nahoris at some point. Unlike the religious tolerence present in the capital, Nahoris is far more hostile towards Kaddites and Saenians, and far stricter in its enforcement of Al Kuliya. The primary temple of Bayt Alma is located in this city instead of the capital because of a deal made to help resolve tensions with Vencerrado. This had lead to Nahoris becoming the Southernmost Kuliyan religious hub.


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