Bellamy Vanderberg

Early Life

Born in Pastoralis. They traveled with their parents until the age of 6 when tragedy struck. Their parents had wandered too close to the Doran border and were executed. Hidden from the Doran men Bellamy ran, living off of Fairy Thistle in the desert for years. Due to this Bellamy can’t speak well. Being alone for so long without talking to anyone their voice comes out as more of a croak. They have a vast knowledge of survival living on their own for so long in the deserts of Pastoralis.  

Traveling Troupe

When Bellamy is around 13 they find a traveling troupe in the desert of doctors and scholars. They take Bellamy in, feeding and clothing them. Learning from the troupe they now knew a lot about medicine and began learning about artifice.  


Bellamy joined the Dorak military to fight the Doran and provide medical attention to other soldiers using their knowledge from the traveling troupe. Artifice is still beyond them, but they make do with their survival skills and knowledge of medicine. They don’t make much in the military and sometimes they struggle to find food, however, knowing the Doran killed their parents is enough to keep them fighting.
Born in: Pastoralis   Faith: Al Kuliya   Class: Poor   Pronouns: They/Them   Age: 38   Occupation: Dorak


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