Bob Almanzar

“I embark on my journey, to excommunicate my soul from worldly desires. Kuliya has come to me in a dream, and has commanded me to journey till my soul is ready.” “I have been traveling for 100 days, my faith, while strong now, has been shaken by the atrocities I’ve seen.”
  “This is my third year as what people have called a “bum”
  “The Saeno have been so willing to take me upon their ship and alongside their journey, After several weeks upon this ship I feel my hands becoming callous, and my muscles toughen. I feel as if I am on the right track. The path Kuliya has shown me.”
  “I have been afflicted with some diseases god must be mad at me I am feverish, my body aches.”
  "I fear this may be my final entry. Kuliya has appeared before me once more they told me that I must [indecipherable] I know what I must do, but I do not know if I have the strength to do it "
  Bob was a former cobbler, according to his journal and records found in a former shop. He lived in the village of (placeholder) all his life. As a young man he was brought up by a strict father and a placid mother, his father one of the villages many fishers, his mother a seamstress, The 2nd oldest of eight. Bob was an adamant supporter of childcare and community support. As the years passed he became a strong member of the community until he received a dream from Kuliya, to leave his possessions behind and wander. The specifics of his dream indecipherable as parts of his journal were damaged by water and age.


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