broken flower financial bubble of 735


The broken flower financial bubble of 735 was a financial bubble surrounding the broken flowers from Ardonia, a type of flower known for having petals with odd and random colorful designs that are said to predict a person's future. They became everyday commidites in Egrecia, who were importing hundreds of flowers and would sell them at 10x the cost to the nations to the North. In particular, they became popular in Kreasso. It is alleged that the then-emperor ordered a single bulb with a years worth of taxation, because it was "the perfect shade of red." However, hype died around them around 735 causing all merchants who were stock piling them to go out of business.  

merchants hit very hard

This imparticular affected Lucas Valaria, who had bought roughly 1/3 of all broken flowers to resell to merchants in Doro.


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