Colossus of Egrecia

The Colossus of Egrecia stands at the port of this ancient city, facing outwards to sea to ward off any threats that may attempt to enter. It depicts a tall man with a short beard and his hand raised to the sky. No one is sure exactly where it came from, it was built much too long ago for Egrecia's residents to remember its origins. As its original name is unknown, many locals lovingly refer to the statue as Hishaam. Locals also dedicate a chunk of time, once a year to cleaning the statue and maintaining it.    There are also many stories about who the mysterious figure may be. Some believe the statue is a depiction of a lost god, others believe it to be the embodiment of guidance and a protector, and still more believe that it shows the likeness of an old king long lost to time. At night, the statue gives off a strange glow, seemingly powered by moonlight. It was found that when this occurs, the statue also gives off a small residual amount of magical energy.
Monument / Statue, Large


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