Domína Ball, AKA “Tackle the Turtle”

Domína Ball, AKA “Tackle the Turtle”

Origin: Tariq (Domína Mountain Villages)

Founders: Unknown (though many believe it was one of the first farm settlers in the Hanno Mountain Range)


The exact origins of how Domína Ball, AKA “Tackle the Turtle,” are still unknown, as the game is believed to be as old as the founding of the region itself. Rumor has it that the first game of Domína Ball began on a small ranch in Tariq in the Hanno Mountain Range. On a day too hot to work outside, a group of farmers wanted to play a game together. After one spotted a Black Mountain Tortoise, native to the Hanno Mountain Range, he grabbed a nearby small sack of seeds and began running around with it, trying to get it to the opposite side of the field where his neighbor resided. The game quickly began to take form, becoming a spontaneous and wild game that combines the rules of Capture the Flag and soccer.

Rules of the Game

The purpose of the game is spontaneity and enjoyment. Since the origin, anyone in Domina who encounters a Black Mountain Tortoise, screams “tackle the tortoise!” in any public environment. As turtles and tortoises are revered creatures based on Domina’s regional Kaddite god, Miento, the tortoise itself is left untouched and unharmed by players. However, within seconds of hearing the phrase, those in earshot will instantly divide themselves into teams based upon location and proximity to the nearest opposing street alley, which serve as “goal posts” of sorts, or the border into the other team’s side. Like many hand sports, the goal is to take a nearby found object that can serve as a ball, and attempt to bring it over to the other team’s side. However, once one crosses the halfway point from one team’s alley or doorway to the other, they are subject to be tagged and temporarily frozen from the game, until a point for their team is scored.

The game plays until 6 points are won on one specific side, to honor the 6 Kaddite gods. The winners are believed to be blessed with Miento’s knowledge and wisdom for the rest of the day. The game is meant to break barriers between people of differing classes, backgrounds, and cultures, and merely be a fun sport where strangers join together for a game of excitement and fun.


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