Egrecia, the Region


  The only major city present in the vast region that is Egrecia is the eponymous capital city of Egrecia. This land is made up of vast fertile farmlands that stretch from the coasts to the mountains to the northeast and the rainforest, the Verdancy, to the northwest. Thanks to the river that runs through the Verdancy, the farmlands receive plenty of nutrition from the abundance of wildlife and magically-rich soil of the rainforest.    

Key Landmarks of the Region

  • The Verdancy to the northwest
  • The Hanno Mountains to the northeast
  • Coasts and beaches to the south


There are few settlements outside of the capital city, electing to live in small communities to go about their daily lives in relative peace. In addition, there are somewhat nomadic tribes that live in the Verdancy, surviving off their magical flora and fauna.


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