Eneko Ardí (,ɛn ˈɛ ko ,ɑr 'di)

Eneko Ardí is a 14 year old runaway child living on the streets of Mina al-Omer. He survives through stealing, and acts as the “leader” of a group of other runaways and orphans, sharing their findings to survive. While unassuming in appearance, Eneko is surprisingly agile and clever, which he uses to his advantage when choosing targets and avoiding capture. Currently Eneko’s family, who are artificers of some means, are searching for his whereabouts, but he chooses not to be found.


Eneko was born to a family of Vencerradan artificers, mainly specializing in increasing the sturdiness and effectiveness of everyday items. He lived with his mother and father who jointly operate the business, his two younger sisters, now 10 and 6 years old, and his older cousin, raised by the family after his own parents passed away. As the oldest “true” Ardí child, Eneko is to be the heir of the workshop.


As a child, Eneko spent much of his early life carefully studying the equations his family used in artifice crafting, and proved to be an adept pupil. However, what his family and mentors knew him best for was his mischievous tendencies and talent for getting into trouble. His favorite pastimes included sneaking out from under teachers’ noses and stealing treats from the local bakery. In spite of his troublemaking tendencies, Eneko is often described as a peaceful soul who detests violence.

Family Tensions

The Ardí family’s workshop entered a period of gradual decline due to competition with other workshops, and as such the family came to experience financial hardships. However, approximately 1 year ago the workshop received a major request from a mysterious Vencerradan noble for the imbuing of artifice weaponry. Eneko’s parents accepted this offer gratefully, as the noble offered hefty compensation for their work. However, Eneko balked at the idea of creating weaponry, and refused to contribute to furthering violence. Though he attempted to change his parent’s minds, he only succeeded in having a major falling out with them. Eneko fled from his family, setting off to make ends meet on his own.

Life on the Streets

At first, it seemed that Eneko would not last long before returning to his family, as it was difficult for him to find ways to survive as a seemingly parentless child on the streets. Eneko eventually fell in with a group of urchins who survived through petty theft, and soon became the de facto leader of their group as a result of his quick wits and quick hands. Knowing that the Ardí workshop is still imbuing weapons for the suspicious mystery noble, Eneko has no desire to return to the family at this time, though he seems to miss his sisters and cousin in particular, and will occasionally correspond with them when possible. His family knows him to be alive due to his messages and occasional appearances, yet have been unable to apprehend him.
Current Residence
Mina al-Omer
Al Kuliya


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