Field of Flame

Vencerrado’s southern inner plains are known for their blue skies veiled by smoke. A rain shadow manifests an arid climate that is prone to bushfires. The mountains to the west give way to plateaus and hills, which lower further east into the coastal regions. The fields’ main traffic is Saenian caravans and merchants who travel coast wards. The perilous fires can be safely navigated, and with a guide, it is a beautiful place. The last Kaddite nobility moved here after their faith fell from Vencerrado’s grace.   The north of the fields is the Flame’s Edge, a ring of pine trees that stop the fires from traveling too far east. The forest is home to woodland foragers, wild boars, ibex, wolves, bears, and foxes. Pine trees fade into junipers and other cypresses further north and east. Myths of animals living aflame in these woods are common among greater Vencerrado, those that live in the fields treat sightings of animals aflame with great reverence. Just south is a deadly sight called Falling Rock. Many times men, both Kaddite and Kuliyan, tried to mine the raw materials, however, the death toll of the endeavor has left the sight abandoned. Over three miles wide in some places, the canyon’s depths are a graveyard to crushed bones and lost pickaxes.   South of Falling Rock is Fire’s Eye, a gorge that splits a long cliff. Atop it, one can see the fires raging across the land, ceasing and starting. The spot is used to plot routes if fires seem poised to push onto established paths. The Eye is an unofficial meeting ground for traders since it is rarely aflame, while bandits camp atop the cliff looking for travelers to accost.  

Landmarks and Settlements

  While it is a vast and desolate region, it has vistas and landmarks dotted throughout. Settlements, landmarks, and estates are isolated places even from each other. Often travel is along the mountain trail, too elevated and rocky for fires to reach, hitting the major towns along it.  

Garenta Outpost

  Recently set up by the military push within Vencerrado. It is a mobile town, created to dodge fires and train troops. Portable forges, horses, kitchen fires, tents, and soldiers fill whatever hilltop rising above the prairie it currently is on. It moves slowly south, eventually to assist the border patrols and expanding their domain.  

Lucenno Mining Settlements

  The mines provide greater Vencerrado ores and precious stones. Each mine is surrounded by a small town, connected to each other through rickety bridges and trodden paths. The towns are weary of outsiders, especially Kaddites. Their xenophobia keeps their presence small, however, their only source of news is from travelers. Their taverns are seen as places for Lucennos to crash between days of hard travel, especially in the winter, however, these establishments double as inns for outsiders.  

Siggadi’s Waystop

  Originally owned by a Eunuch named Siggadi, it is home to a rare thermal hotspot and contains renowned baths. The Waystop has lodging for up to sixty and is home to a small population of 30 who work the lodge and farm the garden terraces. A few vacation to the Waystop throughout the summer, currently run by Lord Brien Siggadi, fourth grandson of the original.  

Siggadi’s Bridge

  A bridge over the river, gives passage into Doro. The trail is wrought with sketch routes, however, guides are often commissioned to travel through the area. The bridge was made 104 years ago out of stone and stood strong. It was built over a narrow gap where the river flows many feet below. Looking out you can see up the river xxx for many miles, with peaks to either side.  


There are two notable ruins in the field of flame, Miragaul and Fort Zera. Miragaul was once a Kaddite castle, home to a few thousand. The castle was thought to be impervious to the flames, however as the town grew so did the flames. Eventually, it was burned asunder, a fire surrounding the castle turning it into a furnace. Fort Zera is an ancient ruin in the mountains, isolated from all common roads. It once held books, however, all have decayed beyond legibility. The fort is in such a state of disrepair that it can be mistaken for a rock slide.
Southwestern Vencerrado   Artist: Davide Esterlino


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