Her Hammer - Replica Ship


The Legend of Her Hammer is one that is shared amongst many Saenians. Her original captain was a woman known as the Harpy Queen. She was a fearless captain and plundered the coastal cities. Whether it was for her beliefs of the balance of nature or for her yearn for battle and gold is deeply debated. All that is known for sure is that Her Hammer was feared. The ship is believed to have been named by her victims cries as the Harpy Queen descended upon them, wielding a massive war hammer that should have been unwieldly./

Stories say Her Hammer finally sank in the Baltasar Gulf as her crew tried to assault the city of Tannith. As they fled down the coast ships cornered them in the channel. A coastal line gun held the ship in place long enough to land a few broadside shots on Her Hammer's hull. Some sailors tell of a survivor who was on the deck as the ship sank. They say the Harpy Queen bound herself and her hammer to the central mast of the ship, so that she could die with the ship and her spirit would be sail the ghastly version of Her Hammer in whatever afterlife may wait.

A curious Saenian who is not named in any of the stories is rumored to have found the wreckage. Not wanting to disturb the soul of the Harpy Queen he left her hammer on the ship and instead took the bow off the ship and restored the harpy figurehead. The figurehead was proudly displayed on the mast of his ship for months until rumors started to spread. Whispers of the Harpy Queen wanting her figurehead back. Sailors continued to tell him tales of her ghost ship hunting in the night until he was convinced to sell it.

Supersition continues to follow the harpy figurehead. It is said to bring a ship great success in battle, but only once. After a single battle is fought with the harpy on the bow, then it must be sold or traded to another ship to stay one step ahead of the Harpy Queen. Otherwise, she will catch up to the ship and it will meet the same unfortunate fate as Her Hammer. Sunk to the bottom of the ship and the captain went down with it.

But of course, these are all simply legends, no one knows the exact year Her Hammer sailed the seas, nor much about The Harpy Queen. But many still claim to see its silhouette sailing in the distance on a dark and foggy night. And what is the harm of searching for the harpy figurehead, if it will bring you good luck in your next battle?


Behind the Scenes

Her Hammer was made from an online 3D model of a boat. It was 3D printed entirely in PLA filament using an Ender 3 Pro printer. The boat pieces were then spray-primed with brown primer.

Then detail paints were applied mostly on the iron parts of the ship. The pieces were glued together and caulk was used to fix some of the gaps in the pieces. Some gaps were too wide to caulk. This would also remove in the usability of the inside of the model so instead the gaps were left.

The masts were installed and the ropes were painted yellow. Plain white cloth was cut up and rigged with some cooking twine.

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