

  Weapon of war made by Doro during it's full-scale war with Paestoralis, inventor uknown.


made entirely out of pure white tree bark usually. The Hwacha has 50~150 holes to allow for arrows to be placed in, at the bottom of the arrows gunpowder will be filled in, but exposed just enough to a person to light their fuse. Gun powder would be either filled into a container made out of leather, or cloth. This device allows doro soldiers to fire over 50 arrows at a time, however, it never had much killing power, the Doro mathematician, Damian Draeiman, Would later estimate that only a maximum of 13 soldiers were ever killed by it.  The true power of the Hwacha is ultimitally it's ability to cause panic in already exhausting battles, as the loud whistling noise it makes as it goes through the air is said to be incredibly terrifying.


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