Jacita Zalantena

Jacita was born to wealthy Kaddites that lived in a mansion on the outskirts of Vencerrado, one of few far enough not to be exiled. After her parents died from fever She gained the estate at 19 and took on a concubinus from another Kaddite estate, Jairal Altatheia. Only the most stubborn refused to move away. The Zalantena’s were the richest Kaddites, even by Vencerraden standards, and most proud. Jacita, 29 like most of her house has been known to rarely show their fears.   Throughout her life she had always wanted to live to the fullest, since her parent's death, however, she has been much more decisive. Her ambition grew and her studies led her to the knowledge of Glyphs and maneuvers tactical and political. Her wit is high, however, she knows little about the recent past of ladies at court. She has developed a sensitivity to light in response to traumatic events and is detached from many things in her life. This has led to habits like ruthless practices and enemies in distant Vencerrado City.   Jacita was a mother to a boy of three years, Feranco, and a girl of nine months, Clara. Along with her children, she supported a maid staff, stables, and caravaneer. She owned fields and paid Kaddites to work them. Her most recent struggle has been an inability to get the news out of Braieros. She went to visit an old Saenian friend to see if they had news.   Jacita always wondered if the estate was or was not within the borders of the Field of Flame, and therefore within or out Vencerrado. While off visiting a friend and an allied estate, mercenaries visited hers. She returned to her lands in ruin. Bloody and aflame, her workers and kin were slaughtered. Countless locked inside perishing in the flames, all she found were bones.   Through Jacita’s misfortune, her gold in the basement was safe if melted, the raiders unaware of their stored wealth. She decided to pack her carriage with as much as she could and leave Vencerrado. She journeys to Bayt Alma with her Malagran carriage driver, Bryño Ulseia, and Doron Muscle, nicknamed Jado. She left to find out who killed burned family and estate, and how much they would come to understand her pain. Rumor was Nahoris was scouting into Vencerrado and their hatred of Kaddites was strong.
(Above:Painting lost to the fire)  

Current Status

Exile nobility and lordess  



Current Residence

Field of Flame (formerly)  






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