Journal of Taolin Al Zhurak

Zhurak carried this leather-bound journal at all times, as a way to jot down any immediate observations during his travels. Taolin's obsession with cuisine is evident in the various food stains throughout the journal. Although this has definitely hindered the journal's legibility, it certainly shows the breadth of his experiences.

The cover appears to have been treated with a peculiar variety of tannin, found on many other leather goods made in Egrecia. Consequently, the journal has remained in a remarkable condition despite both its owner and Egrecia's humid climate. Artificers have yet to identify what exactly makes the leather so durable, but they know the materials were sourced from the , the rainforest in Egrecia with alleged mystical properties.

Besides that, the journal cover features a large turquoise stone, symbol of the ocean in Egrecia. Turqouise samples of such size were particularly valuable in the region, and Zhurak had it inlaid to reflect his (secondary) love for the sea.


Quite a few sections of the journal are washed out, likely due to age and wear. The remaining legible pages display Zhurak's daily observations, in addition to recipes either improvised or procured by cooks Zhurak encountered during his time in Egrecia.   Displayed here is a recipe for Egrecian 'Essence of Olive', a well-documented and regional party dish, 'best served with crackers', as noted by Zhurak.


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