Kaddite Glyphs

There are many kinds of marks and Runes, here is a set of proportion marks used by renowned artificers in Ahuum.      

Setting Marks

Noon Sun used to start a set, setting the proportion for explicit rune sets to follow
Black Sun used to account time and counting marks
New Moon used as a closing mark, finishing runes and stipulations

Syntactic Marks

  Used to denote effects for runes to follow. There are five primary markers.
Patient mark used for general targeting, often the arcurio material
Sensor mark used for effect requirements, often activation
Agent mark used for what is being changed or altered
Target mark used for the thing being changed by the set
Combination mark used to pair runes for new or specific effects


  Used to change a rune to a different effect, reversing, altering, or enhancing a glyph’s effect. These marks are essential for advanced rune smithing.
Positive mark denoting presence, living, enhancing, and charge
Negative mark denoting absence, death, polarizing, and charge
Single mark creates the second set of rune triplets
Double mark creates the third set of rune triplets


  Runes act as fluid ideals, archetypes, and elements for mark sets to realize their power. Each can be bent in use through genius intention, but often are tied to their most basic natures, increasing in complexity and ambiguity with each generation.  

Water, Oil, and Mud proportion


Wind, Lightning, and Universe proportion


Fire, Lava, and Spirit proportion


Earth, Crystal, and Metal proportion


Plant, Animal, and Mind proportion



  Tally marks in sets of six denote numbers, counters, and time. Glyphs often use marks based on the moon cycle utilizing the black sun proportion.


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