

Kreasso is a massive empire to the North of Tel-Rialis, this empire is Alkyuian, and known for their love all things fish, wine & cheese.  


The early history of Kreasso is mostly a mystery since it was in a civil war for 80 years, until converting to then unknown new religion of Alkyuian, which was able to achieve peace by giving its people something to unite them under. It played a crucial role in the early development of Alkyuian in the nation of Doro, by offering diplomatic, military, and economic support.  Kreasso has the most inward politics, and people on the continent, when the Kada empire attacked a then still in civil war kingdom the Kreasso empire, the factions of the civil war created a 10-year truce to fight back the Kaddites. This truce is was simmered the tensions between the sides, ultimately allowing for peace. 

Economy & relations:

Kreassians have a strong economic connection with the entire world, however, they only have friendly diplomatic relations with Doro, Al-kyuian, as such Doro is the primary trading partner when it comes to tel-rials, which is the area it does the most business with, otherwise, Kreasso doesn't have any other foreign embassy.


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