Lamb Vessel

This lamb vessel originates from a small settlement in the western coasts of Ahumm , where it was created by a local craftsperson from porous clay to be placed in a small garden. Though it may appear to be purely a decorative object, it is actually intended to gradually diffuse water into the surrounding soil.


Small earthenware animals are common in the south of Tel Rialis, being constructed from small clay deposits long lakes and streams. This lamb was created in 738, two years ago, by a potter in a small rural village close to the southwestern coastline of Ahumm, for their personal use. The lamb has seen continual use since its creation, as can be seen by the erosion of its outer surface.


Though the appearance of the object is entirely an aesthetic artistic decision, this style of earthenware serves a practical purpose. When water is poured into the hole on top, it slowly filters through the porous ceramic, purifying it in the process. Evidence of this process can be seen with the mineral buildup on the lamb’s face. These types of simple purifiers are most commonly used for cleaning drinking water, but this statue in particular was used by its creator as a means of gradually watering small plants.
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