Library of Malva

Location: Malva, Domína (located within the Hanno Mountain Range)

Founders: Queen Malva and her daughter, Queen Melita

Purpose: Largest library and center of knowledge in Tel Rialis

Division: Restricted to many outsiders to protect the city and region’s secrets. Residents of Malva and Domína have access, but it requires an intensive screening and decision of court for outsiders to be allowed to enter and have access to the city’s secrets



The Library of Malva was established during the reign of Queen Malva, the first queen of Domína, as a secluded center of knowledge in the most central region of Tel Rialis. The Library functions as a collection of historical records, literature from outside regions across the continent, and up-to-date news on political tensions/relations, economic research, and current affairs. The Library was originally dedicated to be a source of information hidden in the mountains as a source of protection and information for the refugees and residents of the city of Malva.

The Library of Malva originally started within a single building at the beginning of the city of Malva’s creation. As Malva increased trade and its economic presence in Tel Rialis and amidst other regions, Queen Malva determined that the best way to protect the city was to obtain and store significant amounts of knowledge without getting involved on the smaller political scale. After Malva’s death and the beginning of Queen Melita’s reign, the amount of information (maps, books, scrolls, record keeping, etc.) began to expand. Not wanting to limit the influx of information, Melita commissioned the creation of the Library of Malva as an expansion of the Profetta Temple to have a vast and large space to continuously expand and grow as the world changed.

The Library - Present Day (Reign of Queen Adonya)

The Library of Malva, fully constructed and ever-growing, stands as one of the most significant parts of the region of Domína as a whole, and especially in the capital city. As a way to honor the region’s core Kaddite god, Miento the Tortoise, the Library aims to continuously expand its store of knowledge for the citizens of Malva and Domína. However, as Miento is the god of Knowledge and Ignorance, the Library remains a secluded and secret are3a for outsiders. While the Library permits access to all Domína citizens in order to protect and educate their own, it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter in order to protect the city’s secrets. Only those heavily investigated and with special requests are allowed access inside. Many archivists, cartographers, scribes, and authors work within the Library to maintain its constant updates in knowledge. A secret network of spies with direct ties to the city also report back periodically with news and updates from the other cities and regions of Tel Rialis.


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