Lokuras Obsidian


Material Characteristics

Lokuras obsidian is similar in appearance to obsidian found around other known volcanoes. It is opaque, and black, and shines like any polished gem. It has natural folds and rings that create irregular patterns when cut into gems. Different from other known obsidian sources, however, is that tucked within the folds, colors shimmer in a rainbow-eque pattern when held up to the light.

Geology & Geography

This obsidian is solely found on the Lokuras Archipelago. Occasionally smaller rocks will was onto the shores of Vencerrado.

Origin & Source

Lokuras Obsidian is formed when the Lokuras Rock (a volcano on the largest isle in Vencerrado) erupts. The most recent eruption was in 680, but the predated use of this obsidian in artifice indicates that the mountain has exploded in the past.

History & Usage

Everyday use


There are few fuels as diversely applied as Lokuras Obsidian. It can be found in weapons, armor, jewelry, homes, smithies, butcher shops, torches, and more. The professional understanding is that the obsidian can be applied to any material so long as the goal is to increase or decrease the material's temperature. One favored application by high-end blacksmiths are obsidian enhanced forges, which can maintain a heat for longer periods of time and at higher temperatures than traditional forges.   To prepare the obsidian, stone saws are used to cut divots into larger rocks. Large batches can be tumbled in a drum together, the stones smash each other and crush them into smaller pieces than can be fitted into the etchings.


Obsidian can be an excellent stone for jewelry pieces, even without magical application. The dark stone with occasional shimmers was once very popular. In the common era, if a person's regalia has obsidian gems encrusted, it is likely to contain an enchantment or be an antique.

Industrial Use

Vencerradan Inferstructure

The abundance of Lokuras Obsidian bolstered the capabilities of those living nearby, especially in recent years. Vencerrado's capital, Mina al Omer, has made wide use of the obsidian as a temperature regulator by integrating it into their street Arcurios. These sigils help keep homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The obsidian has also allowed for an innovative ice trade in Vencerrado's mountain region. Traders can store ice for much longer using Arcurios with the ability to maintain cold temperatures.


Law & Regulation

Vencerrado maintains a strict control over the export of its obsidian. Especially in the case of weaponry, as only a few professionals are licensed to create and sell obsidian enhanced blades and bows. Of course, black market obsidian can be found all over Tel Rialis, but the vast majority of legal obsidian is either sold in pre-enchanted Arcurios or held within Vencerado's borders.
Rock, Igneous
Common State


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